Saturday, March 20, 2010

New Member Increases Business by 25%

Aircare Lifeflight Systems, one of our new members, has seen an increase of 25% in his business since listing his site on the internet business directory. ALS is an air ambulance company that flies patients worldwide. To read more about this story, please click here.

The company has been involved in the numerous air ambulance flights of patients worldwide in a variety of emergencies and relief efforts. We are always happy to hear of our members' successes and welcome them to our directory.

If you would like to sign up for a membership in, just click anywhere on this sentence.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Our Apologies

We would like to let everyone know how sorry we are about our site being down yesterday. We are sorry for the inconvenience it may have caused to anyone. According to our IT Department, "our main power tower melted down and our equipment went off line. We have fixed the problem and our site is back up and serving you."

If you tried to reach us or were unable to use our directory, again, we apologize.

Please try us again and we appreciate your understanding.

Monday, March 15, 2010

New Biofeedback - Neurofeedback Category has added a new category in all states and our virtual directory – Biofeedback. We also added a subcategory of Neurofeedback. As is usual with the case of a new category, we research the category and/or find an expert in that category to help us out. One of the researchers came back to me with some interesting stuff and I thought it was worth sharing with you all. It became personally interesting when I saw that it is used for Raynaud’s Disease, which I have! It’s not really a disease to me; it just means that when my hands get cold, a few of my fingers turn white and numb on the end. So I try not to get my hands cold.

Here are some highlights from the research done by our staff. This is in no way to be considered medically correct or to be used by anyone who thinks they may need biofeedback to help them cope with an illness or disorder. I just thought I would share some useful info with our readers:

Biofeedback training is a relatively new type of therapy, coming into practice in the 1960s. Training people to improve their health by using signals from their bodies is what biofeedback treatment tries to do. Therapists can use it to regain movement in paralyzed muscles, teaching patients to relax, controlling pain and much more.

Standard biofeedback machines gauge electrical signals in muscles. The signals are “feedback” from your body. Using biofeedback, you become more aware of normally unconscious body functions such as pulse, temperature and digestion. Some patients are able to lower blood pressure, control incontinence and get rid of pain without using drugs.

Recent studies of the biology of mental illness have made possible biofeedback treatments using a type of biofeedback called neurofeedback.

I may be letting my imagination run away with me, but I envision something looking like an old sci-fi motion picture where there sits a patient with all these electrodes attached to his head, staring at a monitor - looking like he is in a dace.

What a patient is actually doing is focusing his mind to control the patterns and beeps. The patterns and beeps come from electrical brain activity. Biofeedback machines can detect electrical impulses in the brain activity and translate them into visual or audible signals.

According to Lynda Wells, Ph.D., Trainer-Master Practitioner, “Neurofeedback is brain training for a host of neurological problems including ADD, ADHD, autism, traumatic brain injury, stroke, migraine and seizure disorders, as opposed to BioFeedback, which is more ‘thought’ driven, and intended to allow the patient to control their body temperatures, blood pressure, etc.” For more information on this and other ways to wellness, visit The Way to Wellness - Solutions for Life website.

Biofeedback and neurofeedback have been used to treat many ailments and illnesses including: Strokes - Incontinence - Epilepsy - Anxiety Disorders - Depression - ADD - Bedwetting - Night Terrors - Drug Abuse - Sleep Disorders - PMS - Autism - Headaches - Other Types of Pain - Low/High Blood Pressure - Raynaud’s Disease - Cerebral Palsy.