Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Remembering On Memorial Day

Today, we honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom and remember wars past. As we enjoy our friends and families, let us not forget how much has been given so that we can enjoy this day and every day in freedom.. Let our military brothers and sisters feel our love and support. Please take at least a few moments today to remember all of those who have given their lives for us.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Opportunity for Change

What do you do when you the economy has taken away your means of living and you are a single parent with a little girl to take care of? Well, as one of uscity.net’s newest members Lisa (owner of Hug Bug Children's Boutique in Maryland), says: You can – Number One: Sit there and cry because bad things happened to you OR Number Two: Fix it and move on!

Lisa decided to take the latter option and move on with her life. Lisa says:
“As an only parent, I wanted my little girl to see that sometimes what seems like a bad situation is actually an opportunity for change! So I filed for unemployment benefits and for my business license right behind it! After that I started just walking up to women with children and giving them my phone number and telling them my plan for a consignment/resale store for children.”

With the economy reeling, her idea took off. Within a month she was in her own store, which is run by her and her three year old daughter. Hug Bug Children’s Boutique sells name brand children's and maternity apparel, toys, furniture and anything else that applies. On the shelves and racks are tutus, pillow case dresses, bows, organize zebra baking kits, Tatari jewelry, musical instruments and more. The shop is now carrying new, as well as gently used items. At this great new shop that was built with the spirit of a pioneer - breaking new ground and not giving up - there are special discounts given on top of the already discounted prices, like 10% off every day for military families. Grandparents Day at Hug Bug is every first and third Tuesday of the month, and all grandparents get 10% off.

The store is very bright and colorful and also includes a play area!

Please visit Lisa and her daughter whenever you get a chance. The store is located at 6501 Crain Highway in Laplata, Maryland. Or you can call Hug Bug Children’s Boutique at 240-776-4655 to find out what they have in the store or what specials they are running.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

To all Mothers and those who have been like a Mother to someone, USCITY.NET wishes you a very Happy Mother's Day!