Thursday, October 23, 2008

Happy Halloween!

We here at wish all of you a very Happy Halloween. The sweetest dragon in the world is the son of Delanie Crawford and the grandson of Mary and Rusty.
This cute little bumblebee is Sue's Granddaughter, Tiona.

This year Halloween falls on a Friday night, so there will be more traffic and mroe adult parties, so keep an eye on your children, especially the middle and high schoolers who often stay out later.

Here are some other tips for making tonight a treat for all of us:

If you are driving:
1. Watch for children darting out from between parked cars.
2. Watch for children walking on roadways, medians and curbs.
3. Enter and exit driveways and alleys carefully.
4. At twilight and later in the evening, watch for children in dark clothing.
5. Remember to have a designated driver if you will be drinking.

If you are a parent or guardian:
1. Make sure that an adult or an older responsible youth will be supervising the outing for children under age 12.
2. Plan and discuss the route trick-or-treaters intend to follow. Know the names of older children's companions.
3. Instruct your children to travel only in familiar areas and along an established route.
4. Teach your children to stop only at houses or apartment buildings that are well-lit and never to enter a stranger's home.
5. Establish a return time.
6. Tell your youngsters not to eat any treat until they return home.
7. Review all appropriate trick-or-treat safety precautions, including pedestrian/traffic safety rules.
8. Pin a slip of paper with the child's name, address and phone number inside a pocket in case the youngster gets separated from the group.

The Costume:
1. Costumes should be loose so warm clothes can be worn underneath.
2. Costumes should not be so long that they are a tripping hazard. (Falls are the leading cause of unintentional injuries on Halloween.)
3. If children are allowed out after dark, outfits should be made with light colored materials. Strips of retroreflective tape should be used to make children visible.
4. Face Design Masks can obstruct a child's vision. Use facial make-up instead.
5. When buying special Halloween makeup, check for packages containing ingredients that are labeled "Made with U.S. Approved Color Additives," "Laboratory Tested," Meets Federal Standards for Cosmetics," or "Non-Toxic." Follow manufacturer's instruction for application.
6. If masks are worn, they should have nose and mouth openings and large eye holes.
7. Accessories Knives, swords and other accessories should be made from cardboard or flexible materials. Do not allow children to carry sharp objects.
8. Bags or sacks carried by youngsters should be light-colored or trimmed with retro-reflective tape if children are allowed out after dark.
9. Carrying flashlights will help children see better and be seen more clearly.

What the kids should know:
1. Do not enter homes or apartments without adult supervision.
2. Walk, do not run, from house to house. Do not cross yards and lawns where unseen objects or the uneven terrain can present tripping hazards.
3. Walk on sidewalks, not in the street.
4. Walk on the left side of the road, facing traffic if there are no sidewalks.

Before and After:
1. Give children an early meal before going out.
2. Insist that treats be brought home for inspection before anything is eaten.
3. Wash fruit and slice into small pieces.
4. When in doubt, throw it out.


Friday, October 17, 2008

USCITY.NET Business Members Are Happy

Why are our clients so happy? Because we have lowered our membership fees by 2/3rds! For only $49 your website will be listed in the directory for a full year. We hope that our price reduction will help everyone, and make our directory more useful. We are hoping to help small businesses who are going through the downward changes in our economy. Our goal is to have EVERY small G-rated business listed here – we want our users to see what services and goods are available in their area. So, if you are a small business owner, sign-up and help us to help you which will help your customers – and helping others – that’s what it’s all about, right.

Our sign up process is easy:
There are two ways to add your website:

1. - Go to and fill out the form (Choose a state and category) and on the next section, if you would like a map added, be sure to include the street address of your business.


2. Click here and then pick your state, choose your category and then click on "ADD YOUR SITE".

Then you simply follow the directions.

Fill out the form and if you would like a map added, be sure to include the street address of your business.

Our support group is fantastic; and real, live humans edit our directory! Your emails are read and answered by humans; your corrections and modifications are made by humans; the phone, whenever possible, is answered by humans... That is one of my favorite things about our company – actually about any company, - when I call or email and get real responses from real people who have lived in the United States all their lives!

And, as always, we still list appropriate sites with a reciprocal link for free.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them here and I will get back to you as soon as humanly possible!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Pscho-T - Kristina's New Adventure

Hello, My name is Kristina Mangiafico. I graduated from Florida State University with a degree in Exercise Science with the intention of attending medical school within the following 2 years. I worked as a medical assistant for a while and enjoyed helping others. I enjoyed educating patients about their medications and maintaining good health. It was a fantastic experience, and although I could have seen myself doing it as my career… the stresses, the paperwork, and all the time that a doctor has to put in and give up just is not for me! I realized I can do great things, but as far as medical school, it’s not for me.

Post graduation, I found myself confused and unsure of anything in my life. I had no idea what I wanted to do, and moved, it seemed every two to three months. I moved to New Smyrna Beach then Tallahassee back to New Smyrna and now I reside in Tampa.

While transitioning I did some reminiscing on the things I loved and made me happy. For so long, I had suppressed my creative side; I had forgotten how much I enjoyed art, photography, design, and everything that is so innately me. When caught up in studies and work, you can forget about the things that are most important in your life.

Working for has given me the flexibility that I needed after college. Due to my ability to set my own hours, I was able to also step back and look at where I want to go with my life. has inspired me to pursue new avenues… avenues that I always dreamt of but never thought possible for a small-town girl like me.

I recently started designing and making clothing. I am now on the web with my website and am hoping that something comes of that. If not, at least I gave it a go doing what I love. I design hand-made inkblotinspired images on t-shirts that available for purchase as well as made to order. I have a passion for creativity and I only want to take my concepts and designs to the next level.
Some of my other designs