Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Surgery is a Success!

Come Home Soon!

Hooray!! Koda Crawford's hip surgery was successful this morning. We all wish her a speedy recovery and hope she gets home soon to take care of her new little puppy. Koda is the 12 year old child of Rusty and Mary from We love you lots, Koda!


  1. AnonymousJune 04, 2008

    Hi Koda - we hope you get home soon and let me know when you are ready for company, I will come and bring Pamela. We love you!

  2. Hey Koda! That can NOT be YOU in that picture - looks like a TEENAGER!!!! What happened since you left me??? Looks like you grew up!!! I am SO happy your surgery went well - I am sending this blog to Mrs. Schafer - she asks about you often.
    I LOVE the puppy, too! What is his/her name?
    I know Pamela is dying to come visit!!
    Take care - I LOVE you!!!
    Mrs. Stoddard
