Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
A 2008 Christmas Story
This year as we reflect on the story of Mary and Joseph's journey toward Bethlehem, many of us can relate to them passing through uncertain terrain and worrying about the future. The financial crisis our country is going through affects some more than others, but everywhere there is anxiety threatening to divert our attention from the blessings we do have.
Christmas surprises are all around us. An acquaintance of mine is a single mother, who had a good paying job, and just finished getting her college degree while working fulltime in November. Everything looked great. Then came a very disrupting diagnosis from the doctors. She is very ill, an illness I cannot pronounce or even try to spell. Basically, they are trying different types of drugs to stop the progression. And two weeks ago, she got laid off – showed up for work, was met at the gate by a security guard who looked her name up and his 'list', and then handed her paycheck to her and said “we will call you if you are needed in the future.” She was not even allowed back in to get her things from her locker.
I talked to her and she told me that this time in her life had been a revelation – in the midst of all her problems, she sees glimmers of hope and knows without a doubt (for the first time in her life) that she is NOT alone. So many people have stepped up to help with the rent, help with her healthcare, buy food, offer a shoulder to lean on, say prayers with her and for her - AND her daughter will be having more presents under the tree than she ever has. The mother of one of the families who has helped her, (even though her own husband had been laid off in Mid-October) told me that this year is not the year to scale back and tone down. This year is a time for lavish, extravagant gifts of sharing, friendship, joy and most of all, hope. If you can give hope to someone, you are not only asked to, but you are required to.
This kind of sharing is what it's all about in my book.
I hope you all have the opportunity to share something this season and I wish you love, peace, blessings and joy this holiday season.
Merry Christmas,
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Last Minute Gift Ideas from CD Universe
One of my favorite Christmas traditions is watching It’s a Wonderful Life on Christmas Eve while doing my last minute wrapping. Make someone happy with a holiday movie they will cherish forever. CD Universe has movies galore – for the kids (and the young at heart, like me): Shrek the Halls, How The Grinch Stole Christmas. Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer, Polar Express. Charlie Brown. Alvin And The Chipmunks - A Chipmunk Christmas, Bernstain Bears' Christmas Tree and many more. For the older ones on your list, try: Christmas Story: Ultimate Collector's Edition, Elf. Scrooged, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, and two of my favorites - Miracle On 34th Street and It’s a Wonderful Life. If Christmas movies are not what you are looking for, try their newer releases, like Sex and the City, Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears A Who! or Indiana Jones and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
CD Universe also offers games – top sellers this season are: Call Of Duty: World At War, Hooked w/ Fishing Rod Bundle for the WII, Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain Of Memories or WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2009.
There are 11 days for Christmas delivery, so shop now and even if you get down to the wire, like I did last year, you can always email someone on your list a gift certificate, right up until Christmas Eve!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Fleetwood Mac Reunited
The supergroup is launching its tour at Mellon Arena in Pittsburgh on March 1. The tour coincides with a new greatest hits compilation called Unleashed that contains never before seen footage and previously unreleased tracks.
"We love our band and think the title of the tour - Unleashed - perfectly describes how we all feel when we get on stage together, especially in 2009," the band said in a joint statement. "We're so happy to get back out on the road, perform everyone's favorite songs and see our fans."
Tickets go on sale Dec. 15. Dates include Chicago, Detroit, Washington D.C., Boston, New York and Canada.
Just click on this sentence for more ticket info!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!

As I contemplated my Thanksgiving blog, something kept creeping into my thoughts - I am very thankful for the young ones in my life. Besides the youth group at church that I lead, my neices and nephews and all the babies I see and those I get pix and emails about, I am even thankful for the baby I see at the grocery store or strolling down the street. Maybe this thought keeps coming into my being because I need to be reminded of the circle of life. We lost my mom-in-law in November and it was a rough patch. The kids and young adults in my life (including my son, Wade) brought me peace and joy when I needed it most. Of course the kids in my life can also cause the rough patches (right, Wade? - LOL).
So I went out and asked them what they were thankful for, thinking it would be cell phones, Wii, DVDs, cars, etc. Guess what? They, like most of us, are most thankful for family and friends. Top two on almost everyone's list. Some of the other things they are thankful for are surfing, Johnny Depp, Jesus, car air fresheners, the little plastic things at the end of a shoelace, dancing, singing, laughter, beer, the price of gasoline going down, passing the midterm exam, nature. And thanks to Pamela (9-yrs.old) for her top five: family, pets, the love we share, food that God sends us to nourish us and get us through life and shelter to keep us safe and warm.
The uscity.net family wishes everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 20, 2008
New Look For Our Front Page

Check out our new front page – it’s out of this world! Actually it is OF this world, with a view from OUT of this world. Our front page features a satellite photo featuring our part of the world – the good ole’ USA! And, when you scroll over the USA, you get a map that makes it easy to find the state you are searching for.

Our Lead Graphic Artist, Shea Crawford – who is constantly updating and upgrading our look, came up with this design to make our site more appealing. Everyone I have talked to loves it! I hope you do too. But just in case you like the old one better, you can click on the little box with the USA map in the bottom left hand corner and it will take you to our previous front page. Of course, we kept the easy to use yellow and white pages on the right and left that are easier to use than any telephone book ever!
And I also hope you will use our directory to find what you are looking for – our national web link directory has over 1.3 million business links. We have national links like, Amazon (one of my favorites) and Disney Shopping, along with tens of thousands of local links, like Massachusetts’s Yolanda's Pet Sitting and Errand Service, Florida’s Trompe L'Oeil Faux Finishing and California’s Sun Xtender® Solar Batteries.
We also feature informational sites – Texas’ Electricity Bid and the Anger Coach website, for those who are in need of help. We list government agencies, schools and churches.
Anyone who qualifies can be listed in our directory – we are “G” rated and do not have links to any adult sites or sites promoting anything illegal, guns, violence, or sales of hard alcohol. For a full description of what we do and do not list in our directory, go to Our Guidelines page. Businesses that share our commitment to quality information and support for parents and children are always welcome. If you own a business you would like listed, please click here!
Good job, Shea!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Thoughts from the Space Station

I believe with my voice and yours and millions of others taking on the challenges of extreme poverty and preventable diseases, these problems become less daunting and more solvable.
I wouldn’t be here today if President Kennedy hadn’t called on America to make space exploration a priority. In 1961 he said, “We face an extraordinary challenge. Our strength as well as our convictions have imposed upon this nation the role of leader in freedom’s cause.” He called on America to marshal its courage and creativity, its intelligence and determination to put a man on the moon.
There were skeptics. Some said it wasn’t possible. Some thought we should instead focus on other concerns here at home. But President Kennedy – and the American people – would not be deterred. We set a goal; we made a plan; we put a man on the moon; we changed the way we saw our world.
President Kennedy’s vision forced us to look to the moon and raise our expectations of what is possible. Looking back at the earth with the same perspective as those early astronauts, Kennedy’s philosophy about our own planet is with me today: “Our most basic common link, is that we all inhabit this small planet, we all breathe the same air, we all cherish our children’s futures, and we are all mortal.”
Today, a renewed courage is sweeping the world. People are dreaming boldly and, more importantly, they are ready to turn those dreams into actions.
On World AIDS Day, December 1st, we are celebrating our success in helping to bring lifesaving HIV/AIDS treatment to 3 million people globally, including 2 million Africans. But there are 7 million more people who are in critical need of AIDS drugs and don't have them. There are also millions at risk of becoming infected with HIV.
We can drastically reduce poverty and preventable diseases, including HIV/AIDS, on our planet. But it will take all of us working together as one to achieve that goal. As Bono has said, ending extreme poverty could be our generation’s moonshot. This could be our new frontier. We should focus our attention to those on our planet who need help the most.
That’s what I believe. That’s my story.
Up here, we see one world, one home we all inhabit. I’ll check in again when I’m back from orbit.
From the International Space Station,
Lt. Colonel Shane Kimbrough
Mission Specialist, Space Shuttle Endeavour (STS-126)
I got this in an email about joining ONE.org – took out all the joining stuff and wanted to share this with you. I didn’t want to make this political, but thought it was a great email and in the interest of fairness, if you would like more info about joining this organization, click here.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Happy Halloween!
This year Halloween falls on a Friday night, so there will be more traffic and mroe adult parties, so keep an eye on your children, especially the middle and high schoolers who often stay out later.
Here are some other tips for making tonight a treat for all of us:
If you are driving:
1. Watch for children darting out from between parked cars.
2. Watch for children walking on roadways, medians and curbs.
3. Enter and exit driveways and alleys carefully.
4. At twilight and later in the evening, watch for children in dark clothing.
5. Remember to have a designated driver if you will be drinking.
If you are a parent or guardian:
1. Make sure that an adult or an older responsible youth will be supervising the outing for children under age 12.
2. Plan and discuss the route trick-or-treaters intend to follow. Know the names of older children's companions.
3. Instruct your children to travel only in familiar areas and along an established route.
4. Teach your children to stop only at houses or apartment buildings that are well-lit and never to enter a stranger's home.
5. Establish a return time.
6. Tell your youngsters not to eat any treat until they return home.
7. Review all appropriate trick-or-treat safety precautions, including pedestrian/traffic safety rules.
8. Pin a slip of paper with the child's name, address and phone number inside a pocket in case the youngster gets separated from the group.
The Costume:
1. Costumes should be loose so warm clothes can be worn underneath.
2. Costumes should not be so long that they are a tripping hazard. (Falls are the leading cause of unintentional injuries on Halloween.)
3. If children are allowed out after dark, outfits should be made with light colored materials. Strips of retroreflective tape should be used to make children visible.
4. Face Design Masks can obstruct a child's vision. Use facial make-up instead.
5. When buying special Halloween makeup, check for packages containing ingredients that are labeled "Made with U.S. Approved Color Additives," "Laboratory Tested," Meets Federal Standards for Cosmetics," or "Non-Toxic." Follow manufacturer's instruction for application.
6. If masks are worn, they should have nose and mouth openings and large eye holes.
7. Accessories Knives, swords and other accessories should be made from cardboard or flexible materials. Do not allow children to carry sharp objects.
8. Bags or sacks carried by youngsters should be light-colored or trimmed with retro-reflective tape if children are allowed out after dark.
9. Carrying flashlights will help children see better and be seen more clearly.
What the kids should know:
1. Do not enter homes or apartments without adult supervision.
2. Walk, do not run, from house to house. Do not cross yards and lawns where unseen objects or the uneven terrain can present tripping hazards.
3. Walk on sidewalks, not in the street.
4. Walk on the left side of the road, facing traffic if there are no sidewalks.
Before and After:
1. Give children an early meal before going out.
2. Insist that treats be brought home for inspection before anything is eaten.
3. Wash fruit and slice into small pieces.
4. When in doubt, throw it out.
Friday, October 17, 2008
USCITY.NET Business Members Are Happy
Our sign up process is easy:
There are two ways to add your website:
1. - Go to http://www.uscity.net/listmysite.html and fill out the form (Choose a state and category) and on the next section, if you would like a map added, be sure to include the street address of your business.
2. Click here and then pick your state, choose your category and then click on "ADD YOUR SITE".
Then you simply follow the directions.
Fill out the form and if you would like a map added, be sure to include the street address of your business.
Our support group is fantastic; and real, live humans edit our directory! Your emails are read and answered by humans; your corrections and modifications are made by humans; the phone, whenever possible, is answered by humans... That is one of my favorite things about our company – actually about any company, - when I call or email and get real responses from real people who have lived in the United States all their lives!
And, as always, we still list appropriate sites with a reciprocal link for free.
If you have any questions or comments, please leave them here and I will get back to you as soon as humanly possible!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Pscho-T - Kristina's New Adventure
Post graduation, I found myself confused and unsure of anything in my life. I had no idea what I wanted to do, and moved, it seemed every two to three months. I moved to New Smyrna Beach then Tallahassee back to New Smyrna and now I reside in Tampa.
While transitioning I did some reminiscing on the things I loved and made me happy. For so long, I had suppressed my creative side; I had forgotten how much I enjoyed art, photography, design, and everything that is so innately me. When caught up in studies and work, you can forget about the things that are most important in your life.
Working for USCity.net has given me the flexibility that I needed after college. Due to my ability to set my own hours, I was able to also step back and look at where I want to go with my life.
USCity.net has inspired me to pursue new avenues… avenues that I always dreamt of but never thought possible for a small-town girl like me.
I recently started designing and making clothing. I am now on the web with my website psychot.samsbiz.com and am hoping that something comes of that. If not, at least I gave it a go doing what I love. I design hand-made inkblot

Sunday, September 28, 2008
Australian Pink Floyd Show
APF features two guitarists, a bass player, a drummer, a keyboard player, a saxophone player and two female backing singers. The band uses film and animation footage, just like the original Pink Floyd and adds some Aussie humor - instead of the filmed footage of the man in the flying bed in “On The Run” there was computer animation of a sunglassed kangaroo in a flying bed and Pink Floyd's footage of politicians for “Brain Damage” were replaced with other 'lunatics' of the past 20 years - i.e. Bush, Blair, Saddam Houssein.
For all you Pink Floyd fans, click here to find out if they are coming to a city near you - it's a great deal for over two hours of Pink Floyd renditions and some great technical visuals.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Rockettes Christmas Spectacular

This is one show I would LOVE to see!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Cleaning Up Our Directory
Our goal is to get rid of the listings that are no longer working correctly. Some businesses have changed their web address, some just no longer have websites and sadly, some are out of business. The first thing we do if we find a dead link is try our best to find out if the business just has a new URL. If that's the case, we will modify the listing so that it gets our users to where they want to be. If that fails, we have to delete the listing completely.
If you notice that your business is no longer listed, please just re-submit your business with updated information. Click here for easy sign up.
We feel that being of service to our users is our first priority and that means having relevant and working links in all of our categories. We truly want to be the best directory we can and this cleaning is periodically necessary.
We also have a great surprise in store for people considering membership, but more on that later!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
We Have A New Sign

uscity.net has a new sign! Our sign is located on SR44 in Florida and we are hoping people who see it will visit our website and see all we have to offer: free, quick and easy phone number look-up (right from the home page); links to family friendly sites in all 50 states in an organized category/sub-category structure that makes it extremely easy to navigate; concert, sports and theater tickets; weather; news; sports; travel information; hotel finder; vacation packages; apartment finder; national and local parks; city guides; movie times for all states, and so much more.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Taking Us Out To The Ballgame

We are just back from a uscity.net company outing! We went to Jackie Robinson stadium in Daytona Beach for a barbecue, ballgame and fireworks afterwards. It was very nice getting together with everyone. The weather was a bit warm, but we had a little breeze from the river and once the sun went down, it was nice.

And, the best surprise of the night was Koda Crawford, who came walking up (no wheelchair, no cane - just her newly healed hip and her adorable little legs!). Way to go Koda! She was walking slowly but she WAS WALKING!

I enjoyed getting to know Linda better and sitting with Kristina, who is a blast to go anywhere with.
The ballgame was between the minor league Daytona Cubs, who lost and... I can’t remember the name of the other team, but remember that it shared a name with a Florida county (was it the Brevards?). The employees’ kids had fun playing games, meeting Cubbie

Everyone I have talked to had a great time and are looking forward to getting together again soon.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Revolutionary iPhone Interface

Our directory has been redesigned for the iPhone, allowing you to not only find phone numbers for anywhere in the US free, but also to find safe links to our directory's business web sites. Our human edited directory is indexed geographically and by category.
If you need help with our iPhone interface, please click here!
Happy iPhone Surfing
Thursday, July 24, 2008
A Mini Commercial
Check out our "What is uscity.net?" video at http://www.youtube.com/uscitynet and then visit our site - uscity.net!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Legendary Rockers on Tour
The Who, formed in 1964, is an English rock band that became known internationally for their energetic live performances. (I think they were the first to destroy their guitars onstage.) Original members Pete Townshend and Roger Daltrey are touring in Japan and Australia and plan to come to America in October.
The Who were recently honored at the 2008 VH1 Rock Honors in Los Angeles. This award will complement their induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, the UK Music Hall of Fame and their Freddie Mercury Lifetime Achievement in Live Music Award (the first to receive that award.)
On October 30, 2007, Roger Daltrey while announcing plans for The Who’s return said:
"We don't want to stop... We don't want those long hiatuses that we used to have.... You should at least keep the ball rolling."
Monday, July 7, 2008
Migrant Missions

In case you’re wondering why June had so few blog entries, with help from many, I arranged and took the New Smyrna Beach United Church of Christ’s Senior High youth group (Teens in Action) on two mission trips this month.
The first trip was to an area in southwestern Florida called Immokalee, where we helped repair a roof for a very sweet lady whose roof had been damaged in Hurricane Wilma (2005).

Immokalee is a town that fluctuates between 200 and 1000 residents depending on where the ripened fruits and vegetables are. In Immokalee, farmworkers pick tomatoes, watermelons, citrus fruit, squash, hot peppers and more. It is a very fertile area of Florida, near the Everglades.
And it is HOT! I was so proud of the kids who were up on the roof with no shade and no complaints (and I am talking about teenagers here!).
We stayed the First Baptist Church in Immokalee and along with some members of the community, staff from area farmworker ministries and staff of the UCC, we spent a day learning about the lives of workers and residents of Immokalee. We saw and heard from people whose children had been born deformed and with disabilities because

We also visited the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, who has been instrumental in getting big corporations to pay 1 cent more per pound to the farmworkers for tomatoes. The workers have not had a raise in pay in 20 years. With boycotts, letter writing campaigns and meetings with corporations, many big companies have agreed to pay 1½ cents more per pound with 1 cent going to the workers and the ½ cent to the grower to cover taxes. One cent per pound does not sound like a lot, but in most cases, it doubled their income.

We had a community party – complete with piñatas, Spanish beans, rice, chicken, cactus salad (mmm, good) and the most delicious burritos I have ever eaten. About six families attended with the cutest, happiest children in tow. It was here we met families, workers, volunteers and residents of Immokalee. I sat with a man who had been a life long resident of Immokalee, a member of the CIW, a volunteer from AmeriCorps and an undocumented immigrant. We talked with the Spanish speaking through interpreters.

Two blocks from where we stood in a

On our second mission trip, we went to an area near Ruskin (also in southwestern Florida) called Wimauma. We worked at the Beth-El Farmworkers Mission and La Estanzia Apartments (also called the forgotten community. At Beth-El

On our last day of work, we held a

Lots of Love!
Lots of Hugs!
Lots of Fun!

What can we do to help? The problem is so overwhelming that I am not sure – there are so many needs. The few decisions I have made are to honor the boycotts from the CIW, pray for the immigrants, donate money to the organizations that help and definitely find out how the people who I help elect feel about immigration reform.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Surgery is a Success!
Monday, June 2, 2008
NBA Finals Tickets On Sale Today at 2 p.m.
Individual tickets for the NBA Finals (Round 4, Home Games 1 and 2) vs. the Los Angeles Lakers will go on sale today 2 p.m.
Home Game 1 and Home Game 2 of the NBA Finals are scheduled to be played at the TD Banknorth Garden on Thursday, June 5 at 9 p.m. and Sunday, June 8 at 9 p.m. For tickets, click here.
For other sports tickets, please click here!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Welcome Linda!
She won a writing scholarship to Southampton College, and wrote for Good Times Magazine. Linda is the author of Antiquing in Florida, and has hundreds of articles published, eighty in print. To see some of Linda's articles, go to her Associated Content page.
She is a Florida expert author, and enjoys writing about all things Florida. She also loves Shih-Tzu dogs. We are glad to have Linda on board!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Gadget, Widget -- Gidget!
However, Rusty assured me that he was working on something to help out uscity.net’s partners and anyone who would like to have easy access to our home page and some of our special features. We will be adding these gadgets to our site. Still, I thought, :HUH?!?,.
He started explaining it to me, got into explaining codes and proprietary stuff and I was lost, so I decided to do some research to find out about these new gadgets for websites. One of the first things I came across was an article stating that gadgets are actually widgets (again, HUH?!?) that are not widgets.
I went to one of my favorite sites, dictionary.com to get some definitions. So now I know that a Widget is:
“1. A meta-thing. Used to stand for a real object in didactic examples (especially database tutorials). Legend has it that the original widgets were holders for buggy whips. "But suppose the parts list for a widget has 52 entries..."Well, that certainly clears it all up… NOT!
2. [possibly evoking "window gadget"] In graphical user interfaces, a combination of a graphic symbol and some program code to perform a specific function. E.g. a scroll-bar or button. Windowing systems usually provide widget libraries containing commonly used widgets drawn in a certain style and with consistent behaviour.”
And, I could not find anything for a computer related gadget on the site, but now know that the synonyms for gadget are: “contraption; whatsis, doohickey, thingamajig.”
But I prevailed and let me share with you what I found:
A gadget or widget is like a mini-program installed on your website to give you easy access to things you use a lot. It is so cool that we can now have the information we use the most right on our homepage. What I have gathered from my readings is that both widgets and gadgets do the same things. One article says that a widget can be plugged into anyone’s website with the proper code and that gadgets can only be plugged into certain websites or groups of websites. Then there’s Google, who I assume is way ahead of most of us on the top trends in websites and programming. They call their applications, which are mobile, gadgets So if we wanted to add a gadget to uscity.net, we could add it to all fifty states… florida.uscity.net, texas.uscity.net, california.uscity.net, etc…And if we want to make the same sort of applications for other websites to use to get to our features, we can do that too – (of course, when I say we, I mean the programmers).
For instance, if your website visitors are interested in up to date, real-time weather conditions and forecasts, you can install one of these cool little applications and your website visitors can instantly go to our weather site to check the weather, news or find a hotel. You could help your visitors find goods and services by putting our uscity.net main page gadget/widget on your website. The possibilities are endless. Rusty could make us some gadgets AND widgets to check out traffic information, news, use translation tools and even games and calculators.
I have read too many articles and websites that disagree on the meaning and/or difference of widgets and gadgets and it is getting late, so my final thought is that uscity.net should make our features mobile, easy to install on any website, forget about widgets and gadgets and create USCITY.NET GIDGETS!!
Gidgets… Gadgets… Widgets… whatever they are called, are awesome tools for us to use – I hope we can reach out to our communities with local news and weather, movie times in Florida, traffic information and more. Go Rusty Go!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
American Idols Live!
We don’t know who this year’s winner is yet, but Brooke White, Chikezie, David Archuleta, David Cook, Jason Castro, Kristy Lee Cook, Michael Johns, Ramiele Malubay and Syesha Mercad are on the list of entertainers to go on tour with this show. "One of the key factors in the success story of 'American Idol,' is the unique experience of seeing today's best undiscovered talent, perform live onstage each and every week," the show's creator, Simon Fuller, says in a press release.
Click here to get tickets in your area.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Loads of Fun in May
On May 3rd legendary boxer Oscar De La Hoya takes on Steve Forbes at the Home Depot Center in Carson, CA in preparation for a rematch against "Pretty Boy" Floyd Mayweather Jr.
The NBA and NHL playoffs pick up steam this month with much of the NBA fan base hoping for a Celtics-Lakers Finals.
AND... there will be fun at the racetracks in May!
Indy Fans can go to the Indianapolis 500 on May 25th
NASCAR fans can look forward to races in Richmond, Darlington, Concord, NC and Dover. - Thoroughbred horse racing fans have the 134rd annual Kentucky Derby scheduled to be held May 3rd and the 133rd Running of The Preakness Stakes scheduled to be held May 17th.
Click here for tickets to these and more exciting sporting events!
Concerts Galore!
Kenny Chesney, Eric Clapton, Kanye West, Radiohead, Billy Joel, Rush, The Police, Alan Jackson, Alicia Keys, REM, Duran Duran, Iron Maiden, James Taylor, Panic At The Disco, Stone Temple Pilots and Tim McGraw are just a few of the high profile performers on tour this month.
Other events this month include the Academy of Country Music Awards in Las Vegas, the New Orleans Jazz Festival, the Sasquatch Festival, the Country Music Stagecoach Festival and the annual Jammy Awards return to Madison Square Garden this year as they honor Phish.
Click here to purchase tickets to these concerts and more!
Friday, April 25, 2008
USCITY.NET Searches on Your IE Toolbar
It is fairly simple. It may seem like a complicated process if you just read through this, but when you go step by step, you will see it is fairly simple.
First, find the small address box (right next to the main address bar - it may say Google in very light gray lettering).
If you cannot locate the small address bar, look for the magnifying glass.
Locate and click on the little down arrow right next to the magnifying glass to right of the address bar. Click on FIND MORE PROVIDERS
On the next page that pops up, under the Create Your Own yellow box go to step 3 and paste this URL:
On step 5, which says specify the name (NAME:) type in " USCITY.NET SEARCH "
Next click on Install (step 5) and a box will pop up - just click on Add Provider and you are ready to start!
Now if you want to search uscity.net without going to the home page, you simply type in your search word, click on the down arrow and choose USCITY.NET SEARCH - You are there!
I hope this saves you some steps and time... Happy Searching!
Friday, April 18, 2008
What Going Green Means to USCity.Net
After I gave her the project, I sent out an informal survey, mostly to our employees, I asked them “What do you think of when you hear “Go Green” and what does it mean to you?” Here are a few of the answers I received.
From Our Seniors:
Going Green.... for me is beginning the process of eliminating products we use that might be harmful to the elements or to ourselves and our families. It is a little more difficult as a senior to “let go” of all the “tried and true” products that we have used for over a 1/2 century, but we are doing it. Probably the older population will be the “foot draggers” in this new environmentally safe era.
When I think of someone that has “gone green”, I figure the products they use probably don’t work as good as the “non green” but are safer. I know that’s not a good attitude, but it’s honest. I am slowly, “going green”. What it means to me is that the entire world is going to be in agreement on at least one thing, we need to clean things up for our grandchildren and their children!!!
From the Boomers:
When I think of go green I think of how happy I am that I bought my Prius two years ago, long before the gas got to this point. I also think of recycling, which I do and conserving energy in other ways - but definitely the number one thought is my Prius.
I think it means doing stuff instead of owning stuff! And doing stuff without using Earth’s resources – like biking, hiking, swimming.
Solar Power and recycling are the first things that I think of when I hear “go green”. My biggest heartbreak is what we have done to nature, in particular the waters – like the ocean and the lakes and springs and the piney forests (I’m a Florida girl).
I visited Denmark a year ago and it looked like half of their population was riding bikes instead of taking cars. That was going green to me.
From the Young Adults:
From a recent college grad: I think of the green recycling bin that I'm going to have to put out to the road when I move back home. I enjoy recycling items such as the grocery bags at Publix, but when it comes to recycling bottles and boxes at home I don't necessary do it. It is something you forget to do after you live in a dorm, or apartments for a few years.- (NOTE: This last sentence may have been a little tongue-in-cheek, I am pretty sure he was mimicking me!)
I think about not buying stuff that has a lot of packaging – even though it makes my life easier – I am using fewer paper plates, napkins and frozen dinners. I am eating more fresh vegetables and fruit and that is healthier too!
I think about how I am riding my bike more and driving less. Going Green to me means hybrid cars, recycling and of course “We have got to save the planet for our children’s children’s children.”
Monday, April 7, 2008
"Gypsy" Revival on Broadway
The New York Post reports that the production — directed by its co-creator, Arthur Laurents — took in $425,000 the day the reviews hit the papers on March 28. The classic American musical grossed more than $1 million over the first weekend.
Following a critically acclaimed limited engagement at City Center in summer 2007, Gypsy — starring LuPone, Boyd Gaines and Laura Benanti — began previews at Broadway's St. James March 3 and officially opened March 27.
Click here for tickets to this smash Broadway revival.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Jam Packed April Events
Bruce Springsteen & the E-Street Band, Billy Joel, Elton John, Kayne West, Jay-Z, Rush, and Santana are all on tour in the month of April. Other hot shows in April include Alicia Keys, Robert Plant & Alison Krauss, Andre Rieu, Jackson Browne, Michael Buble, My Chemical Romance, Panic at the Disco, Rascal Flatts, and Roger Waters.
Major League Baseball gets into full swing in April with the Detroit Tigers taking on the World Champion Red Sox in the Fenway Park home opener on April 8th. The New York Yankees visit Fenway Park on April 11th-April 13th and the Red Sox visit the Bronx on April 16th and 17th.
The NCAA Men’s Basketball Final Four takes place April 5th & 7th at the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas and the PGA Masters Tournament is scheduled for April 7th - 13th at the Augusta National Golf Club in Augusta, Georgia.
NASCAR visits the Texas Motor Speedway, Phoenix International Raceway and Talladega Superspeedway while the AMA Supercross tour hits Detroit, Irving, St. Louis and Seattle.
April is a great month for musical Festivals. The Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival features Roger Waters, The Verve and Jack Johnson. Jack Johnson also hosts The Kokua Festival in Hawaii with special guests Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds. Other musical festivals this month include the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival and the inaugural Bamboozle Left Festival.
In the mixed martial arts arena, Ultimate Fighting Championship 83: Serra vs. St-Pierre 2 will be the UFC's first event in Canada and is a hot ticket.
Click here for tickets to these events and more.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
USCITY.NET Welcomes Marianne Radwan
Throughout her career Ms. Radwan has provided counseling to many start ups as well as established technology companies around the world including Boca Research, Convex Computer Corporation, CompuAdd, CyberGuard Corporation, Cyrix, Dallas Semiconductor, Harris Computer Corporation, Lucent Technologies, Micrografx, Monterey Networks, Motorola, Paradyne, PenOp, Siemens Stromberg Carlson, Texas Instruments, and Tonic Software.
An excellent linguist, Ms. Radwan graduated with honors in Languages and Sociology from Salford University in England and is fluent in French.
Welcome to our family, Marianne
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Shakespeare on Broadway
The limited engagement will run through May 24. Macbeth features direction by Rupert Goold and is set in a "subterranean kitchen that serves as a military hospital in a timeless and nameless country." The production's West End engagement recently earned five Olivier Award nominations including Best Actor, Best Director and Best Revival.
Click here for tickets.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Heads Up Parrotheads
Here are the tour dates (Click on the date for ticket info):
April 2008
21 - Woodlands, TX - Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion
24 - Maryland Heights, MO - Verizon Wireless Amphitheater
26 - Frisco, TX - Pizza Hut Park
29 - Charlotte, NC - Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre
May 2008
3 - New Orleans, LA - New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival
June 2008
5 - Atlanta, GA - Lakewood Amphitheatre
14 - Philadelphia, PA - Citizens Bank Park
July 2008
17 - Cincinnati, OH - Riverbend Music Center
19 - East Troy, WI - Alpine Valley Music Theater
22 - Burgettstown, PA - Post-Gazette Pavilion
24, 26 - Bridgeview, IL - Toyota Park
29 - Noblesville, IN - Verizon Wireless Music Center
August 2008
30 - Bristow, VA - Nissan Pavilion
September 2008
4, 6 - Mansfield, MA - Tweeter Center
Just don't get too "Wasted Away...."
Friday, March 7, 2008
Talladega Superspeedway Pre-Sale
The intensity is unmistakable in the AMP Energy 500 at Talladega Superspeedway - race four in the 2008 Chase for the NASCAR Sprint Cup. Be here and feel the excitement as NASCAR Sprint Cup Series drivers put it all on the line to achieve the best position in this crucial competition.
For other NASCAR events, click on this sentence!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Concerts for the Boomers
Rock N' Bluegrass!
Or for the harder rock fans, Led Zeppelin’s rock n’ roller, Robert Plant and bluegrass superstar Alison Krauss will be touring and performing their own classics as well as songs from their new album, Raising Sand. Rock and Bluegrass in an unforgettable combo! Their tour starts on April 19 in Louisville, Kentucky.
Sir Elton John
Most of Elton John’s tour dates this year will be at the The Colosseum in Caesars Palace (the Red Piano Shows) but those of us who cannot make it to Vegas, may still have a chance to see him at one of his many other stops in 2008.
And Who Doesn't Love James?
James Taylor will be starting a North American tour accompanied by his full big band on May 22. The "James Taylor and His Band of Legends" tour will feature a rousing evening of music from the new album, a collection of cover songs inspired by such notable recording artists as Chuck Berry, Big Mama Thornton, Junior Walker, among others, along with performances of Taylor's greatest hits.
Heads Up Parrotheads
A Jimmy Buffett concert can become an all day affair with tailgating and partying in the parking lot. People come dressed with parrots, as parrots, in Hawaiian shirts and grass skirts, fins on their heads and a happy, crazy attitude. Grandparents, parents and children are welcome to a Buffett event – it IS more than a concert.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Yankee Tickets on Sale Tomorrow!
Click here for Yankee tickets.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine’s Day to you from all of us at uscity.net. Isn’t this the perfect valentine photo of “our babies” for today. I knew where to go to find a good Valentine's Day quote too. Here are a few more from for today from Yogi Says (Yogi Says for the iPhone).
Each of has the most amazing, magical facility to change our experience, instantly, simply by altering our perception.
Everything that happens to you is a gift. There is a kernel of beauty in everything, if you have the eyes to see it.
The secret to enjoying life lies in our ability to engage ourselves in whatever we do.
All knowledge comes from within when the heart is open.
I love these quotes and they can make you feel good instantly and/or make you think deeply - I hope you enjoy them too. Have a wonderful day.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
The Heart of the City Tour
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Chicago Cubs Early Ticket Sales
Click here to view 2008 tickets.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
R.E.M. Tour
23--Vancouver--Deer Lake Park
29--Los Angeles--Hollywood Bowl
31--Berkeley--The Greek Theatre
03--Denver--Red Rocks Amphitheatre
06--Chicago--United Center
08--Toronto--Molson Amphitheatre
10--Raleigh--Walnut Creek Amphitheatre
11--Washington, DC--Merriweather Post Pavilion
13--Boston--Tweeter Center for the Performing Arts
14--Long Island--Jones Beach Theater
18--Philadelphia--Mann Center for the Performing Arts
19--New York City--TBA
21--Atlanta--Lakewood Amphitheatre
Some tickets are available now - click here!
Friday, January 25, 2008
Super Bowl Parties
Playboy Super Bowl Party – Expect Hugh Hefner and his “Girls Next Door” to make an appearance Hosted by rapper/actor Common, DJs Nick Cannon and Reach will supply some of the music. Some think this is the best party of the year.
Thursday AND Friday:
Pepsi Musica Super Bowl Fiesta - Pepsi is hosting a two night concert series in Glendale: Thursday, Jan. 31 Mary J. Blige and Maroon 5 AND Friday, Latin/Pop group RBD, along with Camila and Belinda. Telemundo's Emmy award winning sports anchor Jessie Losado and Ritmo Deportivo hostess Leti Coo, will serve as hosts for the evening's festivities. Both nights of the series will feature celebrity hosts, great music and guest appearances by a few of the NFL's biggest names
Leather and Laces Party – Co-hosts for this party are Carmen Electra, Roselyn Sanchez and Catherine Bell. Entertainment includes Sugar Ray front man Mark McGrath, the Cirque du Soliel performers and a special appearance by eight Deal or No Deal Hostesses. ‘Leather and Laces’ is known for consistently bringing in celebrities. The charity that is benefiting from this event is the Watering Seeds Organization (WSO) which was created to provide recreational and athletic opportunities for physically challenged individuals.
Maxim Super Bowl Party – Hosted by Maxim magazine, this party is more intimate than most, this means you have a good chance of spotting and chatting with celebrities. Last year where Fergi performed, celebrity guests included: Nick Lachey, Michael Strahan, Tony Romo, Craig Ferguson, Matt Leinart, Andy Roddick, Jamie Foxx, the Williams sisters, Alex Rodriguez, John Salley, Jamal Anderson, David Spade, Lennox Lewis, Kid Rock, Shemar Moore, Terrell Owens, Carson Palmer, Jeff Gordon, and Jimmy Johnson. This all happens at the AAA Five-Diamond Fairmont Scottsdale Princess resort.
John Travolta's Super Bowl Saturday Night Spectacular – John and NFL analyst and former star running back Marshall Faulk are hosting the party. 80's band REO Speedwagon will be performing. Also on the agenda are Cirque du Soleil, appearances from 10 Deal or No Deal models, and hosting by Entertaiment Tonight's Mark Steines. A "Millionaire" Silent and Live Auction will feature several rare and exclusive items like a Beatles group signed guitar collage, a Saturday Night Fever original movie poster signed by John Travolta, and a Presidential engraving montage signed by the last seven U.S. Presidents. The festivities will go down from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. at the Galleria Centre located in the heart of Downtown Scottsdale. An Open Full Ultra Premium Bar is featured, stacked with Belvedere Vodka, Moet & Chandon Champagne, Corona and much more.
Penthouse Desire SuperParty - Rapper Snoop Dogg highlights this Scottsdale party. Need I say more?!?
Taste of the NFL XVII - Sample fantastic food from fantastic restaurants from all 32 NFL cities and enjoy entertainment to benefit local and national hunger organizations. At the Phoenix Convention Center.
Super Bowl Tailgate Party - The grills are fired up, the drinks are on ice and the Mother of All Tailgate Parties is being held this year at the University Of Phoenix Stadium parking lot.
And, if you are lucky enough - SUPER BOWL XV!!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Super Bowl XLII
The underdog New York Giants will play the undefeated New England Patriots on February 3rd in Arizona at the University Of Phoenix Stadium.
For tickets to the main event and many related events (including the Pepsi Musica Super Bowl Fiesta, John Travolta’s Super Bowl Saturday Night, the Super Bowl Playboy Party, parking passes and more) click on this sentence.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
iPhone Friendly!

I do know that all of our features will soon be a perfect fit for the iPhones and similar handheld gadgets with internet acces. There are loads of features already working. Free phone number lookup nationwide is available now as well as access to millions of G-rated quality links.
To get to our directory, get an internet connection and go to http://uscity.net, once there, touch the blank space in the top bar, and one the drop down box press the plus sign (+) next to it and press save - this will add our site to your ‘favorites’ and make it easy to get to us next time.
After I arrived at our site, what impressed me the most was being able to go through the alphabet to find the category I was looking for so quickly, and then I just touched on the category I wanted to see and voila’ - there were all the sites listed. You can also scroll through all the categories without using the alphabet, but the first way was faster for me. Fast... Easy… I like that!!
For more detailed instructions - http://www.uscity.net/iphone/help-index.html
The next thing I did was find my phone number using the white pages (located on the first page of http://uscity.net/iphone) and by just touching the number, I called my husband!! Very cool! And the first thing I asked him was when was he going to buy me an iPhone?!?!