Monday, November 2, 2009

USCITY.NET Mentioned in Article

Wow, I just ran across this article about the top free local marketing options and saw we were listed at #5! Thanks to Dream Systems Media for the mention.

Here is an excerpt: is a HUGE Internet business directory – It is not the kind of directory that is good for helping out search engine rankings by getting a listing, it is a local directory that is amazing for sending actual traffic to your site. They have such trust with the search engines that for a huge number of local searches they come up on top, and people will find you and click on you that way. For one of my sites about 15% of the daily traffic is sent to me from
If you search for Arizona Mattress Store, you will see the results, and how the page ranks in the top 5. These guys do have paid options for listings, (better placement of your ad) but they do have free listings. All of my listings are free and I still see really good traffic. Just follow their instructions for listing and its pretty easy and self explanatory – especially if you have never listed with a web directory before!

To read the entire article, click here!

It's nice when someone notices all of our years of hard work.

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