Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Aid for Japan - Links on Front Pages

Most of the people directly affected by Japan's earthquake and tsunami are not as concerned as we are with the nuclear fallout. After seeing and living through the earthquake and/or tsunami, with no home, no medicine and little or no water and/or food, they need aid and they need it quick. Most recently freezing wind, snow and hail storms are coming down and the need for fuel, blankets, food and water are urgent.

At least eight refineries have been damaged, as well as almost a dozen ports in the northern area. Fuel trucks, food trucks and trash collecting vehicles are there, but they have no fuel to run. The lack of supplies is rippling into the interior of Japan, especially in the north. Panic buying was widespread and that didn't help matters. Stores have run out of blankets, gas cans, fuel, milk, candles, lighters, flashlights and anything else that people preparing for disaster might need.

We, here at, have placed a link on our front page (in the upper right corner) that will lead you to Google's Crisis Response Page, where the good people at Google have assembled tons of useful information on shelters, missing persons, phone numbers, warnings, message boards and other vital information about the Japanese disaster.

We are sending prayers, positive thoughts and energy to the people affected. But they need our financial help. Please think about posting a link to one of the agencies or to the Google Crisis Response Page (which from the sites I visited, was by far the most informative and helpful) on your website's front page too.

Here's is the link:

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