Friday, October 26, 2007

Raves About the USCITY.NET News Videos

As a student and a person with two jobs, I do not get a whole lot of time for at home television. This is my situation: I am a student at Florida State University; I work for, and also at a family medicine office in Tallahassee. I’m practically never home unless I’m sleeping. I’m not a “News” kind of a gal, but when you get tid-bits like, “Did you hear Britney shaved her…,”Popcorn…lung damage...”, “Don’t buy your sister a Barbie...poisoning…”, you sort of wonder “Huh?”

Having a job that uses the internet a lot, and always being on my laptop for school, I soon learned of the New Video News link at It is by far my favorite link; I can watch the news at any wifi location I’m at with a click of a button.

Using my “handy, dandy” laptop, I can watch the news I want to watch. When the page first opens, there is a list of US news feeds, but if you scroll down to the blue, underlined subjects this link offers so much more. You can watch news feed in Health, Science, Business, World, and the list goes on. It is extremely user friendly. The video feed has been so fabulous for me that I have used one of the Health video feeds as a supplement for a class presentation.

Whether it is business or pleasure, I highly recommend that everyone check the News link out!


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